Thanks for your interest in Alpine Ice. Please fill out the form below as accurately as possible. I will follow up within 7 days of submission. If you have a resume, please send to, and then ignore the questions below that a resume covers.

The advertised position is for an ice carving assistant/apprentice full-time for the 2018/19 winter season. The position includes ice production, delivery/installation of ice sculptures, and learning the ice carving trade. No ice carving experience is necessary - but comfort with power tools, some computer savvy, a professional demeanor, and ability to move heavy ice are required. If it's a good fit for both parties, there's opportunity to move into year-round / partnership position. For examples of the work that we do check out the website - Thank you for taking the time to fill out the form below.

Your Name:

Email Address:

Contact Phone Number:

Please list employment experience:


List any other skills / experience that you feel apply to this position:

Why is this position of interest?

What to you like to do in your free time?

Feel free to tell me anything else about youself and what you are looking for in a work environment:

Don't forget to hit the "Submit" button!